Evaluating ecological well-being on permaculture sites: a case study across Australia





Permaculture, Well-being, MESMIS permaculture, Neorural


In an urbanised world, people have been distanced from nature, generating a lot of environmental and social issues, leading to health and economic problems as a consequence. In the opposite way, some people are looking for other perspectives to live close to nature, looking for a better quality of life, and this new lifestyle has not been evaluated by common sense based on economic standards. Ecological well-being as a goal sits where people are part of nature and not something strange to our mother Earth. This paper presents the application of the Permaculture MESMIS methodology used to evaluate the ecological well-being to four groups of practitioners permaculturists across Australia, including the neorural experienced (1), the neorural less experienced (2), the suburban (3) and the urban (4). The results show that the Permaculture MESMIS methodology works as a tool designed to specifically evaluate permaculture-planned lands. The obtained scores for all the profile groups reveal an increase in ecological well-being status through the permaculture ethics and design principles incorporation. Considering all data in hand, the behaviour follows the same trends confirming permaculture as a positive way to promote nature reconnection.


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How to Cite

Nanni, A. (2023). Evaluating ecological well-being on permaculture sites: a case study across Australia. Perma, 1(1), e11202305. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14748972