Grounding in Permaculture for other possible worlds in the Anthropocene Age
Permaculture, Education, Anthropocene, New Climatic RegimeAbstract
This article aims to present an interpretation of Permaculture from the perspective of critical studies within the ontological turn in Anthropology and Philosophy of Science, in the Anthropocene Age. This article is based on the hypothesis of political fiction presented by Bruno Latour and the assertion of a New Climatic Regime that has evolved from an "environmental crisis" context, characteristic of the late 20th century, to one of "mutations" in the Contemporary Age. Despite overwhelming evidence and data on global warming and its consequences, this reality has been systematically denied by a neoliberal elite —since the 80s— leading to an international climate denialist movement, among other challenges. It is within this context —of the shift from "crisis" to "mutations" occurring in the social, political, and biospheric dimensions of the Earth —that Permaculture emerges as a significant "idea to postpone the end of the world," as expressed by Ailton Krenak, or as a form of resistance to the "Great Turning" according to Macy and Johnstone - demanding that we must take action and update our ways of thinking, acting, and composing in this new context of catastrophes and ruins.
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